79 Years

79 Years
Photo by Danie Franco / Unsplash

79 years. This is the average life span of those living in the United States. A hundred years ago the average was 54 years. We’ve made incredible progress. 79 years is a long time. 

Except it isn’t. You and I are here and gone in the blink of an universal eye.

We have a choice as to whether or not we will suffer over the brevity of our situation. The suffering is what most people choose — regretting the past (which doesn’t exist) and worrying about the future (which doesn’t exist). All that exists is right here, right now. And we get to choose if we will be thankful in and for this moment. To see and receive our “aliveness” in this moment as the beautiful, wonderful gift it is.

How will you spend each moment of this day? Because it’s all there is. As Mary Oliver wrote, “What will you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”