All Things Must Change

All Things Must Change

Human beings, like all living creatures, must change. If we don’t, we stagnate and decay. This leads to death — which leads to change!

The point is, one way or another the Universe is going to make sure you change. It sounds personal. Maybe it is. But even if it isn’t, you can take away the capital “U” out of “Universe” and simply say it is a universal law/truth/reality that all things must change. Evolution is built into the system.

We seem to be the only species that both hates and craves this reality all at once. We say we want change, but the thought of it (and when it happens) utterly terrifies us.

The simple knowledge that change is inevitable can have a profound impact on us in two specific ways. First, we can recognize that trying to resist the change brings suffering into our lives. Fight (let go of) this Resistance and personal suffering will be diminished exponentially. Second, actually embracing change allows it to happen faster and in exciting ways — change you never dreamed possible.

Change is going to happen whether you like it or not. Might as well learn to accept it — and love it — because you were born to change.