Nature is perfect. Birds don’t strive to fly. They just fly. Trees don’t try and grow. They just grow. Fish don’t muster up the courage to swim. They just swim. In nature, everything is as it should be. There is no judgement.
Humans are the only species who seek artificial perfection. We judge people and things as beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, good or bad. But this is not how nature works. Things just are. Everything else is a story we tell because we learned the story from others (our parents, our teachers, our friends, our religion) and made it our own.
But we have the choice to practice gratitude each and every moment — to see the perfection that already is. Each of us knows this intuitively and we know how to do it. When you’re on that date with that special someone and the food, the drink, the ambience, the conversation, the person sitting across from you — it all feels perfect. Because it is. And all you need are the eyes with which to see it.
The more you practice gratitude in each moment, the more you realize how perfect the moment is and how perfect you are. This deep knowing about perfection feels magical and will set you on the path you desire.