Your Life Purpose

Your Life Purpose
Photo by Greg Rakozy / Unsplash — Your Life Purpose

I love how different cultures and languages all have a different word or phrase for one’s life purpose: 生き甲斐 (ikigai), raison d'être, dharma, personal legend, etc. While the words have different meanings, they are all moving toward the same idea. A reason to exist, to be.

So, what is your life’s purpose? What is the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning, that lights your fire, that directs all you do? Some discover this early in life. Some reach it later. Most never become attuned to it because our society teaches us to silence it, to quench it, at a very young age.

I believe (from my own life experience and by working with clients) that if you live your life’s purpose it will sustain and nourish you physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and psychologically.

You knew it as a child, but maybe you’ve forgotten what it is.

Mentoring through conversational and traditional hypnosis can be a wonderfully empowering tool to remember and rekindle your life’s purpose. Contact me and let’s begin working together to help you begin fully living your life’s purpose.